Simplifying nutrition and using food as medicine - one bite at a time.

My goal with this blog is to set folks straight about what good nutrition really is! Starting by discarding the info we get every day from 'sponsors' that do not really have our best interests at heart, I want to inspire you to eat better AND realize it is much easier than you thought it would be!

Just about any health issues can be addressed with nutrition (and meditation), from mild to chronic to acute. We truly have the ability to heal ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually...

And you can use your daily routine as your vehicle to drive that change :)

Join me...

Quote of the Month

"When food, in the minds of eaters, is no longer associated with farming and with the land, then the eaters are suffering a kind of cultural amnesia that is misleading and dangerous"
~Wendell Berry

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sick Day Scramble

The title says it all really.  When you feel rotten but still have an appetite and need to nourish yourself here's a very simple quick recipe to really go deep with your nutrients.

(By the way, I've been on a bit of a hiatus due to some personal issues but I intend to get back to blogging in the early new year.  There is no end to my inspiration. Thanks for reading...)


Sick Day Scramble
Heat some butter and or cold-pressed oil in pan at low heat.  
Add 6 shitake mushrooms, sliced and 1 large garlic clove, chopped. 
Sautee for a few minutes until the aroma infuses the room and they look softened.  
Add 2 organic eggs and a smathering of organic spinach, pinch unrefined salt and a dusting of cayenne pepper.   Mix and cover until cooked to your liking. *Do not overcook egg yolks as it oxidizes their good cholesterol.
Accompany with a half an avocado and a gaggle of your favourite sprouts.

Your getting needed protein to heal, a range of quality fats, a variety of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.  Anti-inflammatory and immune boosting compounds from garlic, shitakes, cayenne and spinach, enzymes from the fresh sprouts and avocado and electrolytes from the unrefined salt.  I could go on...

A complete and healing meal in many respects.  All you have to do now is enjoy it and your body will do the rest...

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